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Woman with Bible

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Proverbs  28:13 - He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (KJV)

Proverbs 28:13 - Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. (NIV)


There was a man (a true story told by a pastor) who was praying and he said to the Lord father I want to give you something.He said the Lord said to him you can't give me nothing but your sin. Another dear man praying saying, Lord I want to see everything you see. He was on his way to work. While driving from a tall building he had just got by a lady fell on top of his car. The Lord said now you

see everyday what I see.  These two stories told by a pastor were both  true stories. Do you have anything to give to the Lord?  Of course you do like God said your sins. Give him your habits: Secular dark music, alcohol, drugs, pornography, strong relationships, stealing, gambling, violent behavior and all dark sins that has crippled your very facial appearances. Also like the other brother God see all

and everything we do. Everything from laughing, frowning anger, sober right and wrong doings. He sees it all. Everything that will hinder your walk with God he does see. One good thing John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him shall

not perish but have everlasting life. Everybody he loves, Everybody he loves. It doesn't matter if you give your sin to him.




1 JOHN 1:9 - If we confess our sins,He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  God freely forgives. Our part is to CONFESS it. Just say yes I have done whatever it is say it. Acknowledge our wrong. And then REPENT turn away turn away. Walk away from it with God help. 




Let's start by throwing things away - Take a sheet of paper and write down everything you are strugglig with. Even take in your hand anything you want to get rid of. In Romans 3:23 All have sinned and come or have fall short of the glory of God. I you are no better than each other. We all have struggles and hindrances in our lives. It destroys our hopes and blocks God from having a communication with us. One preacher said if you and God are not speaking he is not communicating with us. I don't want to be in that position. I will forever repent and confess until that last day. That is what you do. Don't continue. You have to at some point come to an end of that sin, Because he is faithful and just to cleanse us from that sin. We have a list of those sins in our lives. Lying, backbiting, cheating, stealing, critizing, jealousy, lust, pride, bitterness, outrage, abused, punishing others through your own hateful lust, unapologetic, heart seared with a hot iron, your concious, ludeness, heavy metal, over desired ways of dressing with hair and makeup, God tells us to put off the things of the flesh.


Now in your hands if you wrote down these things or have anything in your hand you want so desperately to get rid of. These deep dark sin, curses even witchcraft, weggy board, blood sacrifices very dark. Go somewhere alone kneel before God confess all of your darkness. Don't leave anyting out. Ask Holy Sjpirit to for give you. Stay there until you feel the peace of God come over you. some of you may even be feeled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:4. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.  To understand this read the whole Book of Acts. Find a church that believes in the gift of the Holly Spirit so you can began to grow. Also be baptized in Water Acts 2:28 for the remission of your sins.




Genesis 2nd chapter and Genesis 3:6   The Fall  (Read both chapters)

6 verse - The women sawthat the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and she ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it. Verse 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened.


The great curse of Adam and Eve. When Adam and Eve were placed in the garden. They were placed there to worship God. They had no sin but knew God. As we read on into the Genesis 3 and 6 verse it speaks about sin and how it entered into the human race. Now the world will need to be redeemed back to the father God. When the world realizes there is absolutely no sin none of any kind in the kingdom of heaven none. So whatever sin on this earth we commit has to be cleansed or it goes back to eternal lost. It will not go with you. Jesus had to appear on the scene thru redemption. Dying he had to come a Holy sacrifice without sin none. He had to because Satan now was going to have his field day with man with every kind of dark nice happy unpleasant sin he could think of. He wasn't going by himself. Some of these creation God had created was going to serve him for the time God has apppointed to him. 


Now what Christ took on the form of man born to a virgin Matthew 1st chapter 23 verse. Behold the vigin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Jesus (God with us). there has to be no sin. Mary a virgin no sin. Jesus born walked the earth knew no sin. Died and went back home. That's it you see. When we die we have to be cleansed no sin. We have to confess our sin. He is faithful and just to forgive us. He died on the cross for every sin that is known to man. Even a sin as bad as a murderer. He can be forgiven if he confess. It doesn't matter Was it easy for my father NO NO NO it wasn't He suffered the same fate. lies against him hateful words spoken against him, spat on, beaten, bleeding all of lit. JUST SO HE COULD GO BACK TO HEAVEN WITH NO SIN JUST FOR YOU. Now it's up to you to follow if your name is written in the lamb book of life. Some people don't believe in heaven or hell. It's still the truth. It's still the truth. It's okay it's okay no need to argue. So what are you going to do about it Confess your sin and be forgiven. Start walking in this new life and let the Lord be the Lord of your life. 




Father thank you for delivering me from every evil work (2 Timothy 4:18) Let me know Jesus and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comfortable unto his death (Phillipians 3:10). I ask you Dear Jesus to forgive me, forgive me of everything I did knowing or

unknowingly. Everything I have done, everything I am ashamed of, everything I'm hiding, I am so sorry, I'm shame of what I have done. All these sins I have done before you and the people and myself I have hurt. Cleanse me, renew my mind, take them all. All of my sins. Come into my heart. Come now. Come and be the Lord of my Life. Renew my fellowship with you. I want to be with you and talk to you whenever I need to. Whenever I might sin against you again. I want to be able to say I am sorry. Father be the Lord of my life. Never to leave out your sight again. I want to make heaven my home. Thank you Lord for accepting me just as I am in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord and Savior of my Life. Amen.


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